Im weißen Rössl – Woe, you sing!
Feature film(theme song Im weissen Rössl) | Director: Christian Thede (2013)
Actually, Ottilie thought that her boyfriend would ask her to marry him. But instead, he dumps them. Her father persuades her to take a short vacation at the ‘Weißes Rössl’ at the Wolfgangsee. Ottilie scowls at the suggestion and soon believes she has landed in kitsch hell. Only the head waiter Leopold is halfway normal and obviously struggles with love as much as she does…
David Reichelt contributed the title song Im weißen Rössl to the comedy. The energetic song was created in cooperation with the composer of the film music Dominik Giesriegl. The piece underlines the mood of the film and can be assigned to the genre of electroswing. Maximilian Höcherl sings the song and contributes the lyrics.